Browsing by Title
Now showing items 276-295 of 3923
Challenge and Transformation: The Innovative Role of Supervisors in 21st Century Educational Supervision
(Universitas Pahlawan Tuanku Tambusai, 2023-11-11)Peran supervisorpendidikan telah berkembang menjadi lebih proaktif, inovatif, dan tangkas dalam menanggapi kebutuhan dan tuntutan pendidikan modern. Pada abad ke-21, supervisor menghadapi tantangan yang kompleks, termasuk ... -
Characteristics of Islamic Religious Education in Boarding School Curriculum
(Southeast Asian Journal of Islamic Education Volume 04, No. 02,June 2022, 2022)Boarding schools are Islamic educational institutions that have been proven and still survive with all of the dynamics until today. A characteristic that distinguishes boarding schools from others is the 24-hour ... -
children language acquisition ”a case study of three years old name danesh andiwi thafana” “on phonology acquisition”
(IAIN Samarinda, 2018-10-01)ABSTARCT Dewi Nur Anggraheni. 2018: the title of this final prohect is “ children language acquisition ”a case study of three years old name danesh andiwi thafana” “on phonology acquisition”. Undergraduated Degree. Thesis, ... -
Cinta, Kronik Yang Enigmatik
(Little Soleil, Cetakan Pertama, 2022)Antologi "Cinta Tak Pernah Pergi" ini bagi saya adalah sebuah karya istimewa yang menghadirkan sederet kisah cinta sejati, dimana hari ini banyak kita dapati kisah cinta yang kandas karena ketidaksetiaan dan pengkhianatan. -
CIPP: Implementation of the Educational Evaluation Model
(Jurnal Evaluasi dan PembelajaranVolume 5Nomor 1, Tahun 2023, 2023)The application of evaluation in education has many benefits, this is evident by the benefits provided both to teachers, policy users, parents and also the community, as a process of evaluating and measuring effectiveness ... -
(The 6th International Conference on Tropical Studies and Its Application (ICTROPS) 2022, 2022-11)The density of a city is very influential on to the environmental health of the city community. The character of a city needs to be developed and identified so that the advance coordination can be developed optimally. A ... -
Co Promotor Disertasi
(2023) -
Co Promotor Disertasi Ahmad Riadi
(2023) -
Co Promotor Disertasi Moh. Nasrun
(2023) -
Co Promotor Disertasi Sayuri
(2023) -
(Pascasarjana (PPs) UIN Kiai Haji Achmad Siddiq Jember, 2022-06-07) -
Co Promotor/penguji Sri Susmiyati
(UIN Haji Achmad Shiddiq Jember, 2021-10-18) -
The Comparative Study of English Vocabulary Mastery Between Eleventh Grade of Science and Social Major of SMAN 1 Sangasanga in Academic Year 2018/2019
(IAIN Samarinda, 2019-09-11)ABSTRACT Junita Yolanda, 2019. The Comparative Study of English Vocabulary Mastery Between Eleventh Grade of Science and Social Major of SMAN 1 Sangasanga in Academic Year 2018/2019”. Undergraduated Degree. Thesis, English ... -
Content Analysis of Reading Materials In English Textbook “Passport To The World 1” For The Seventh Grade of Junior High School
(IAIN Samarinda, 2021-05-05)ABSTRACT Roby Suwardi, 2021. Content Analysis of Reading Materials In English Textbook “Passport To The World 1” For The Seventh Grade of Junior High School. S1. Thesis Teaching English Study Program of State Institute ... -
The Correlation Between English Listening Habit and Vocabulary Mastery at the Twelfth Students of Language Program at SMAN 4 Samarinda in Academic Year 2018/2019
(IAIN Samarinda, 2018-08-21)Ulum Haqul Wasilah, 2018. “Hubungan Antara Kebiasaan Mendengarkan Bahasa Inggris dan Penguasaan Kosakata pada siswa kelas 12 Program Bahasa SMAN 4 Samarinda Tahun Ajaran 2018/2019”. Undergraduated Degree. Skripsi, ... -
The Correlation Between Students’ English Reading Habit and Their Vocabulary Mastery of Fifth Semester of English Education Program Student at State Islamic Institute of Samarinda in Academic Year 2017/2018
(IAIN Samarinda, 2017-09-18)ABSTRACT Rifqah Zahara, 2017. The Correlation Between Students’ English Reading Habit and Their Vocabulary Mastery of Fifth Semester of English Education Program Student at State Islamic Institute of Samarinda in Academic ... -
The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation and English Achievement at the Fifth Grade of SD Islam Al Azhar 47 Samarinda in Academic Year 2018/2019
(IAIN Samarinda, 2019-09-11)ABSTRACT Susi Ratna Sari, 2019. The Correlation Between Students’ Motivation and English Achievement at the Fifth Grade of SD Islam Al Azhar 47 Samarinda in Academic Year 2018/2019. Under Graduate Degree. Thesis, English ... -
The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Writing Achievement on Fourth Semester of English Education Department
(IAIN Samarinda, 2019-05-20)ABSTRACT Nindi Ayu Eka Puspa Sari, 2019. The Correlation Between Students’ Vocabulary Mastery and Writing Achievement on Fourth Semester of English Education Department. Under Graduated Degree Thesis, English Education ... -
The Correlation Study Between Students’ Anxiety and Speaking Skill the Fifth Semester of English Education at IAIN Samarinda in Academic Year 2019/2020
(IAIN Samarinda, 2020-02-25)ABSTRACT Nurlaila, 2020. The Correlation Study Between Students’ Anxiety and Speaking Skill the Fifth Semester of English Education at IAIN Samarinda in Academic Year 2019/2020. Undergraduate Degree. Thesis, English ... -
Counseling Teacher Solutions in Conflict Management
(Al-Hayat: Journal of Islamic Education, Vol 7 No 2 (2023):, 2023)Students have a significant role in the success of a lesson. Students' success is in the hands of educators who guide them to understand, solve, make decisions, be responsible, and become independent human beings. Hence, ...