The study on Reading Comprehension Achievement at fourth grade students of Islam Burapha Witya School in academic year 2018/2019
Bahamae Sa-u, 2019. The study on Reading Comprehension Achievement at fourth grade students of Islam Burapha Witya School in academic year 2018/2019. Thesis English Education Department Teacher Training and Education Faculty. State Islamic Institute of Samarinda. Mohamad Muklis, M.Hum as the first advisor and Rostanti Toba, M.Pd as the second advisor.
Reading is one of necessary skill in English language and also the patent skill in English language beside speaking, writing and listening. Through reading, it can help to learn cultures and give power to revolutionize the ways of thinking and living. It helps the individual to understand the society and the role as a citizen, and a worker, with their personal needs and problems. By reading, students can improve their ability to organize the text. They do not only comprehend the passage, but also identify the topic sentence. Thus, reading is very valuable skill that the average person learns in lifetime. The objective of the study is to find out the reading comprehension for the study on reading comprehension achievement at fourth grade of Islam Burapha Witya School in academic year 2018/2019.
The design of the research is descriptive quantitative. The total number of the population is 25 students of the study on reading comprehension achievement at fourth grade of Islam Burapha Witya School in academic year 2018/2019. Then the researcher takes all the students as a sample in collecting the data, the researcher used a test as an instrument on students’ reading comprehension. The test in this research consists of 25 items of multiple choices. The researcher analyzed the data by using mean score and rate percentage.
Based on the result of the research, the mean score of students reading comprehension is 67.84. It means that the level classification of student’s reading comprehension is good. The score percentage showed that there are 6 students (24%) got A (Excellent), 6 students (24%) got B (good), 6 students (24%) got C (fair), 5 students (20%) got D (Poor) and 2 students (8%) received E (Fail). It can be concluded that 18 students (72%) were successful in reading comprehension but 7 students (28%) were failed.