Descriptive Study of Students’ Vocabulary Achievement at the Eighth Grade of MTs. Mujahidin 2 Samarinda in Academic Year 2019/2020
Asnaini, 2019. “Descriptive Study of Students’ Vocabulary Achievement at the Eighth Grade of MTs. Mujahidin 2 Samarinda in Academic Year 2019/2020”. S1 Thesis, study program of English Education Department, Teacher Training and Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute of Samarinda. This research is under guidance of Bahrani, M. Pd as advisor I and Rostanti Toba, M. Pd as advisor II.
English is the most important thing is vocabulary, before known how to spelling, how to pronouncing, and how to speaking with a correct grammar, the first think to done is known vocabulary as much as the students can, because without vocabulary their memorize it impossible to speak in English fluently. This research objective is to know the students’ vocabulary achievement at the eighth grade of MTs. Al-Maujahidin 2 Samarinda.
This research uses quantitative research. The main instrument in this research is multiple choice questions, there are 64 students sample in this research it is in the class VIII A & VIII B. The technique of collecting data is analysis technique used percentage formula and mean score.
Based on the research finding showed that the students’ vocabulary achievement at the eighth grade of MTs. Al-Mujahidin 2 Samarinda is 69.8. If it is consulted to data interpretation that it is in fairly good level. It can be concluded that students’ vocabulary achievement at the eighth grade of MTs. AlMujahidin 2 Samarinda is fairly good.