dc.description.abstract | ABSTRACT
Davit Saputra, 2019. "Students’ Motivation In Learning English At The Eighth Grade Of MTs. Noor Iman Samarinda”. Undergraduated Degree. Thesis, English Education Department, Teacher Training and Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute of Samarinda. This research is under guidance of Bahrani, M.Pd as advisor I and Nadia Sya’ya, M.Pd., M.TESOL as advisor II.
This reseach was Aimed to know about Student’s motivation in learning English. Motivation is an influential factor in teaching learning process. By having motivation students will be enthusiastic in teaching learning process. The successfull of English learning process depends on the student’s motivation. Learning and motivation are closely bound together and influence one another heavily.
The method used in this research was a quantitative research and it designed in a descriptive study. The population of this study was 57 students of the eighth Grade in MTs. Noor Iman Samarinda. The researcher used all of populaion to be a sample based on Arikunto, he states that if the number of population is less than 100, it is better to take them all. The reseacher used questionnaire as the research instrumen.
The result of this research showed the mean score 72.92. The category very motivated is ≥ 85.47 with frequency 5 the mean is 88.2 . Category motivated is 77.1 - 85.47 with frequency 10 The Mean is 80.9. Category quite motivated is 68.74 - 77.1 with frequency 26 the mean is 73.3. Category less motivated is 60.37 - 68.74 with frequency 8 the mean is 64.8. The last, Category very less motivated is ≥ 60.37 with frequency 4 in percentage The mean is 56.8. The mean score 72.92, that is in the category quite motivated (68.74 - 77.1).
Based on the data analysis that the mean score of student’s motivation is 72.92. if it is consulted the data table interpretation that it is in 68.74 – 77.1 level. The researcher concluded that student’s motivation in learning English at the eighth grade of MTs. Noor Iman Samarinda is the quite motivated category. Besides the results of the questionnaire, students were quite motivated showed by student’s enthusiastic when received appreciation or praise from the English teacher. In addition students feel more comfortable and motivated when condition of class are neat and clean. | en_US |