Error Analysis on Students’ Writing at the Seventh Semester International Class of Islamic Education Department IAIN Samarinda Academic Year 2019/2020
Eka Perwati Dewi, 2019. “Error Analysis on Students’ Writing at the Seventh Semester International Class of Islamic Education Department IAIN Samarinda Academic Year 2019/2020”. Under Graduate Degree. Thesis, English Education Department, Teacher Training and Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute of Samarinda. This thesis was under guidance Bahrani M.Pd as the first advisor and Dra. Sitti Hadijah M.Pd as the second advisor.
Errors and mistakes cannot be separated in the language learning. Grammar knowledge often becomes the obstacles for students when writing text. As students, they may realize that both their first language and second language bring different style of rules. These differences make them difficult to write in the target language, English. Based on the researcher’s experience at State Islamic Institute of Samarinda (IAIN Samarinda), even though the students have a writing subject, some students still have a difficulty to write in English and made some errors or mistakes. The objectives of this research were to know what types of errors and its percentage made by the seventh semester international class students of Islamic Education Department IAIN Samarinda academic year 2019/2020 based on their writing.
The researcher used qualitative research. The objectives were to get the data about what types of errors and its percentage made by the seventh semester international class students of Islamic Education IAIN Samarinda academic year 2019/2020 based on their writing. The research subject of this research was the seventh semester International class students of Islamic Education IAIN Samarinda academic year 2019/2020 that consists of 10 students. Then, the data source of this research was the students’ writing and it became the test as the research instrument. Besides of that, in data analysis technique the researcher used the analysis model by Anas Sudjono. They were collecting the data, checking the students’ writing, identifying the students’ writing by marking their errors, counting the total number of errors made by the students, and counting the percentage of errors for each type of errors.
The result of this research showed that the students committed four types of error based on the Surface Strategy Taxonomy. From the data analysis it can be concluded that types of errors made were misformation, omission, addition, and misordering. The total errors made by the students were 63 items with the percentage 56%. Then, the errors were classified into four types of errors based on the Surface Strategy Taxonomy. The percentage of each errors were 68% for misformation, 19.04% for omission, 9.52% for addition, and 3.17% for misordering. The highest frequency of errors was misformation with the percentage was 68%. The errors are still acceptable because the seventh semester International Class students of Islamic Education Department were lack of experiences in learning English and the cause is called as Developmental Error.