Spelling Error Analysis in Students’ Writing of Descriptive Text at the Ninth Grade in SMP Negeri 36 Samarinda in Academic Year 2019/2020
Ema Apriani, 2019. “Spelling Error Analysis in Students’ Writing of Descriptive Text at the Ninth Grade in SMP Negeri 36 Samarinda in Academic Year 2019/2020”. Under graduated Degree Thesis, English Education Department, Teacher Training and Tarbiyah Faculty, State Islamic Institute of Samarinda. This research is under guidance of Dr. Umar Fauzan, M.Pd as Advisor I and Rostanti Toba, M.Pd as Advisor II.
Research background of this research was that many students in SMP Negeri 36 Samarinda had problems in spelling. Based on the researcher’s experience in teaching practice program, the students made some spelling errors especially in their writing. Many students did spelling errors because the lack of knowledge of formation words and the difference rules of first language to second language. The aimed of this research to find out the types of spelling errors, to know which the type of spelling error that most frequently occurs, and also to find the factor causes of spelling errors in students’ writing of descriptive text at the ninth grade in SMP Negeri 36 Samarinda in Academic Year of 2019/2020. The researcher used the descriptive qualitative research design. The subject of this research was the ninth grade D (IX D) of SMP Negeri 36 Samarinda. Then, the data source of this research was the students’ writing of descriptive text made by the subject. The researcher used two instruments namely document and questionnaire. In the data of analysis technique, the researcher used a theory by Sugiyono which divided data analysis techniques in three ways such as, data reduction, data displayed, and conclusion.
The results of this research showed that students did eight of nine categories of spelling errors. There were 38 multiple errors, 18 substitution errors, 9 omission errors, 3 addition errors, 3 single letter instead of double letters errors, 2 involving an apostrophe errors, 1 double letters instead of single letter error, and 1 interchange of two adjacent letters error. For the type of spelling error in erroneous splitting or joining words, the researcher did not find in their writing of descriptive text. Then, the most frequently error that occurred in the students’ writing of descriptive text was multiple errors with 50,70%. Meanwhile, the factor causes of spelling errors divided into interlingual and interalingual errors. In interlingual errors, the main cause of spelling error was the difference between written and spoken. While in interalingual errors, the main cause of learning spelling was lack of materials.