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dc.contributor.authorRudiannur, Akhmad
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT Akhmad Rudiannur, 2018. The Effectiveness of Comic Strips To Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability At Eighth Grade Students of MTs. Al Mujahidin Samarinda in academic year 2018/2019. Thesis English Education Department Teacher Training and Tarbiyah Faculty. State Islamic Institute of Samarinda. Bahrani, M. Pd the first advisor and Rostanti Toba, M. Pd as the second advisor. The background of research comic is one of the many media to teach story retelling. Comics are an art form using a series of static images in fixed sequence. Using English comics as a means for teaching story retelling can be very pleasing and interesting for students. By using English comics students will be more interested and more active in learning. They will feel something new and different from what they usually get in their class. The objective of this research is to find out the effectiveness of comic strips in improving reading comprehension ability at the eighth grade students of MTs. Al Mujahidin Samarinda in academic year 2018/2019. The design of this research was Quasi-experimental researcher with data collection technique pre-test and post-test. The population of this research was all MTs. Al Mujahidin Samarinda students of the eighth grade were about 85students. The sample is all students eighth grade MTs. Al Mujahidin Samarinda. The technique of collecting data is multiple choice test the consists of 50 items. Before the test given, the test has been trial out in 8C to see validation and reliability. Therefore, pre-test 8A and post-test 8B. The data was analyzed using comic strips. Pre-test and post-test score of the students gotten by product moment statistical. Based on the result of data analysis, the application of using comic strips is effective in reading comprehension at eighth grade students of MTs. Al Mujahidin Samarinda in academic year 2018/2019, because the strategy can make the students to be more motivate and active learner. It can be showed from the result of t-calculation was higher than t-table or 3.61 > 2.07 on the significant level 5% with n=23 students. It can be concluded that comic strips strategy was effective to teach reading comprehension.en_US
dc.publisherIAIN Samarindaen_US
dc.titleThe Effectiveness of Comic Strips To Improve Students’ Reading Comprehension Ability At Eighth Grade Students of MTs. Al Mujahidin Samarinda in academic year 2018/2019en_US

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