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dc.contributor.authorRahmani, Ahmad
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT Ahmad Rahmani, 2017. Problems Faced by Students in Learning English at the Seventh Grade of MTs Darussalam Samarinda in Year 2017/2018. Thesis, English Department, Under Graduate Degree, State Institute of Islamic Studies Samarinda. Bahrani, M.Pd as the first advisor and Sari Agung Sucahyo, M.Pd as the second advisor. English is the first foreign language that is taught in many schools. In fact, learning English is not easy for students because there are some skills that students should master it. English has an entirely a different writing style. This process challenges as the teaching, even the alphabet becomes problematic to even senior students. Based on the preliminary observations while teaching the seventh grade of MTs Darussalam Samarinda. The researcher found unsatisfied result related to the problems contained in their learning English. Therefore the researcher interested in finding kind of problems in learning English faced by seventh grade students of MTs Darussalam Samarinda. The respondents of this research are 70 seventh grade students of MTs Darussalam Samarinda, taken from two of seventh classes, specifically 35 students from 7.1 class and 35 students from 7.2 class. Descriptive qualitative research was used as design of the research. The data were obtained through documentation and questionnaire. The research analyzed the data by using model Miles and Huberman. Result of the research showed that students faced many problems in learning English related to reason of learning English showed the problems are the students are not interested in the culture (45.7%), and they do not have friends who can speak English (20.0%). In listening showed the problems are the students cannot understand a native speaker speaking at normal speed (24.3%), they cannot understand what native speaker said in English recording (21.4%), and they cannot understand the main idea of the recording (41.4%). So they cannot answer the question in listening section (34.3%). In speaking skills showed the problems are the students cannot have formal conversation in English (17.1%), they cannot explain their idea clearly in English (20.0%), and they cannot tell some information in English (25.7%). The students do not feel comfortable in talking English in the classroom (37.1%), they cannot answer question in speaking section (35.7%). In reading skills showed the serious problems are the students cannot guess the meaning of new vocabulary (12.9%), they cannot explain main idea and summarize the passage (27.1%), and they cannot read aloud English text (48.6%). So they cannot answer question in reading section (45.7%). In writing skills showed the problems are the students cannot write a daily activity in English (28.6%), they cannot perfectly use grammatical rules in writing any papers (30.0%), and they cannot answer question in writing section (37.1%).en_US
dc.publisherIAIN Samarindaen_US
dc.subjectProblems, Learning Englishen_US
dc.titleProblems Faced by Students in Learning English at the Seventh Grade of MTs Darussalam Samarinda in Year 2017/2018en_US

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