Speaking anxiety in learning English
Heisma Yulianita Sari, 2020. “Speaking anxiety in learning English (a casestudy at the fifth semester students of international class at IAIN Samarinda inacademic year 2019/2020)”. Undergaduated thesis. English EducationDepartment Teacher Training and Education Faculty State Islamic Institute Samarinda. This research is under the guidance of Mr. Bahrani, M.Pd as the first supervisor and Mrs. Nadia Sya'ya, M. Pd M.TESOL as the second supervisor.
Speaking anxiety is one of the problems of learning English that can disturb learning process in the class. Normally, it happen to the foreign language students who do not use English as their daily language. IAIN Samarinda is one of Institutesthat provides English as the main language course to non English Department students at international class program. The purpose of this research were to find out the factors contribute in speaking anxiety in learning English at the fifth semester students of International class and to figure out the types of speaking anxiety they face while learning English.
The method used in this research was case study with a qualitative approach. Meanwhile, observation and interview used as the main instruments, and questionnaire as a supporting instrument. The research subject in this research was the fifth semester students of International class which consists of 15 students. This research used Miles and Huberman qualitative analysis to analyze the results of interviews, while percentage and average formulas used to analyze the results of the questionnaire.
The results that have obtained in the field showed that there were 5 factors that affect students' speaking anxiety in the 5th semester of international class such as lack of preparation (23%), fear of making mistakes (21%), fear of fail in class (20%), lack of confidence (19) %) and difficulty in understanding lecturers instructions (17%) while the types of anxiety they faced were trait anxiety (56%) and state anxiety(44%).Based on the aforementioned results, it can be concluded two conclusions. First, lack of preparation became the most dominant factor that appeared in students’ speaking anxiety. Second, the most influential types of anxiety was trait anxiety in which the students felt anxious to speak English in every situations.