Improving students’ writing skill through free writing technique at the eighth grade of MTs Antasari Samarinda in Academic Year 2016/2017
DENY. 2017. Improving students’ writing skill through free writing technique at the eighth grade of MTs Antasari Samarinda in Academic Year 2016/2017. Under Graduate Thesis Teacher Training and Education Faculty. English Education Department. State Institute of Islamic Studies Samarinda. Advisors: Dra., Sitti Hadijah M.Pd as the first advisor and Sari Agung Sucahyo, M.Pd as the second advisor.
Based on pre-observation in MTs Antasari Samarinda, writing at the eighth grade in MTs Antasari Samarinda are under criteria for minimum (KKM). The students assume that writing is very difficult, so the students are passive and feel bored in writing learning process. They lacked in vocabulary spelling and grammar. The students have difficulty to expreress their ideas.
The purpose of this research was to improve students’ writing skill by using free writing at the eighth grade of MTs Antasari Samarinda academic year 2016/2017. This research used classroom action research (CAR) procedure that adapted from Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. This research was conducted in 2 cycles and the procedures of this classroom action research were planning, acting, observing, and reflecting. The criteria of success of this research is above 55% of students get score test 80 based on the standard score criteria for minimum completion (KKM) and most of students are actively involved during teaching and learning process.
Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that the use of free writing can improve students’ writing skill. It can be proved that there is improvement of writing score from cycle 1 to cycle 2. It can be described as follows: In cycle 1 average score is 76.35 and some of students did’t active during teaching and learning process and 26 students got score under KKM (80). Because of there were some students who did not have good enthusiastic when the researcher asked them and students’ score were still below of the result research. The researcher considered to conduct the next cycle. In cycle 2 there was an improvement from the students, the average score was 80,55 and only 12 students got score under KKM (80) and most of students were actively involved in teaching learning process. It means that free writing be used to improve students’ writing skill.