The Influence of Islamic Financial Literacy and Religiosity Community on Sharia Financial Behavior of the Society of Samarinda City
Sharia financial literacy campaigns continue to be carried out so that people can
determine financial attitude based on sharia principles that can improve welfare and avoid
financial problems such as not saving, getting into debt or bad financing. This study aims to
determine whether Islamic financial literacy affects the financial behavior of people of
Samarinda City. As well as knowing how much influence of Islamic financial literacy and
community religiosity on Islamic financial behavior in the community of Samarinda City. The
best of all things considered that this article was originally published in Indonesian.
The research method used was quantitative research. The population in this study were
the people of Samarinda City who were ≥ 20 years old and Muslims. The sample in this study
was determined using the Slovin formula as many as 100 people using non-probability sampling
techniques, namely purposive sampling technique was a sample determination technique with
certain consideration or criteria. The analysis technique used was descriptive statistical analysis
techniques in the form of data quality testing, classical assumption test, multiple linear
regression test, partial test, simultaneous test and coefficient of determination with SPSS
software program version 22.
Based on the results of partial test calculation, Islamic financial literacy had a significant
effect on the Islamic financial behavior of people of Samarinda City with a tcount greater than
ttable (2.891> 1.660) and community religiosity had a significant effect on Islamic financial
behavior in the community of Samarinda City with a larger tcount from t table (3,628> 1,660).
Then, from the results of simultaneous test calculation, Islamic financial literacy and community
religiosity had a significant effect on the Islamic financial behavior of people of Samarinda City
with a value of fcount which greater than ftable (21.881> 3.09). And the coefficient of
determination test results showed that the two independent variables had an effect of 3.11% on
the dependent variable. Therefore, to improve the behavior of Islamic finance to be better, it is
necessary to increase Islamic financial literacy and community religiosity.
Keywords: Sharia Finance Literacy, Community Religiosity, and Islamic Financial Behavior
- Karya Dosen [65]