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dc.contributor.authorFattah, Mustamin
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to explain and describe the quality of Arabic learning in Islamic Boarding Schools, which are grouped into book-based or traditionaland Arabic-based Islamic boarding schools as a communication language. Furthermore, the results of this study will be able to be used as evaluation material for Arabic language educators and educational institutions that have Arabic language development programs. The design of this study was descriptive and qualitative to obtain information regarding the currentstatus of the phenomenon. It wasdirected to determine the situation that existed in the study. The collected data is in the form of description narratives, not numbers. The quality of Arabic learning in modern Islamic boarding schoolsAsysyifais included in the excellent category. The indicator showing that a qualified teacher taught has good background education that was graduated frommodern Islamic boarding school Gontor whichis famous for its languageprogram. The Arabic learning of the Kitabin Islamic Boarding School Al-Banjari is quite good because they come from salaf boarding school and have spent decades studying in the boarding school.Similarly, suppose you look at the ongoing learning process. Keywords:Arabic Language Learning, Quality of Learning, Teacher Qualifications, Traditional Islamic Boarding School, Modern Islamic Boarding Schoolen_US
dc.publisherItalienisch, Vol. 12, No.2, 2022, pp 505-517505.en_US
dc.subjectBAHASA ARABen_US
dc.titleQuality of Arabic Learning in Traditional Islamic Boarding Schools and Modern Islamic Boarding Schoolsen_US
dc.title.alternative|©Fattahet alen_US

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