Kurikulum dalam Perspektif Imam al-Ghazali dan Relevansinya dengan Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Pelajaran PAI pada Kurikulum Merdeka
Even though times have changed, there have always been important developments in the Islamic educational curriculum. The historical legacies of the Islamic educational system are still discernible, nonetheless, in the ideas of earlier individuals. The aspects that are still relevant to the current situation should be investigated and preserved. The purpose of this study is to explain how the Independent Curriculum relates to learning outcomes in PAI Subjects and to al-conception Ghazali's of education. Both the content analysis approach and the library research method were used in this study. The study's findings demonstrate that Imam al-ideas Ghazali's on Islamic education are highly pertinent to Indonesia's concept of the Independent Curriculum. This is demonstrated by the existence of a Trilogy of Relationships, specifically: the relationship between the values of divinity, humanity, and nature in al-curriculum Ghazali's design and learning outcomes (CP) in the subject of Islamic Religious Education (PAI).
Keywords: al-Ghazali; curriculum; learning outcomes; independent curriculum
- Program Doktor S3 [74]