Now showing items 1-10 of 65
Strategik dalam Mewujudkan Madrasah Unggul
(Prosiding ICEISC 1st, IAI Nurul Jadid Probolinggo, 2017-09-14)
Manajemen strategik suatu seni dan ilmu dari pembuatan (formulating), penetapan (implementing) dan evaluasi (evaluating) tentang keputusan-keputusan strategis antar fungsi-fungsi yang memungkinkan sebuah organisasi mencapai ...
Peran Hubungan Masyarakat Dalam Pengembangan Pendidikan Islam
(Proceeding ICEISC 2nd IAIN Samarinda, 2018-02-19)
The society relation ship in the education institution has an important role in improving the quantity and the quality of edu cation. The society relationship in the edu cation institution is the funnel of institution ...
The Influence of Daily Speaking Rules towards the Students’ Speaking Ability at the Eleventh Grade of Islamic Boarding School
(SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda., 2019-09-07)
The research aimed to find out the problem of daily speaking rules towards the students speaking ability.
The second was identified the problems of daily speaking rules towards the students speaking ability in
quantitative ...
The effectiveness of teaching English writing recount text by using guide question
(IAIN Palangkaraya, 2018-11-16)
This research is aimed to study using guide question in English teaching writing recount
text of English students. The research was carried out by experimental method. The
research population was the third grade semester ...
(Publishing Agency Faculty of Law University of Indonesia, 2018-09-04)
Zakat management in Indonesia is carried out by BAZNAS at the central, provincial and
district / city levels. But then, with the limitations possessed by BAZNAS, zakat
management is assisted by the Amil Zakat Institution ...
Learning Agility During Pandemic
(Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2020)
During the pandemic, learning has been disrupted into learning that is not limited by
the partition, both class and time barriers. This disruption requires teaching staff, especially
language teachers to be agile in ...
A Design of Innovation In Educational Technology to Improve The Quality of Website Learning in Industrial Revolution Era 4.0 Using Waterfall Method
(IOP Publishing, 2019)
Abstract. The purpose of this study was to make detailed learning design in accordance with
the needs of educational institutions. Learning Technology Design is one of the necessary ways
to improve the qualified graduates’ ...
The Influence of Islamic Financial Literacy and Religiosity Community on Sharia Financial Behavior of the Society of Samarinda City
(Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Mulawarman Samarinda, 2021-11-03)
Sharia financial literacy campaigns continue to be carried out so that people can
determine financial attitude based on sharia principles that can improve welfare and avoid
financial problems such as not saving, getting ...
Presenter di e-BICESS-2021-Proceeding
This study aims to describe the barriers of elementary school teachers in online
learning in Indonesia. This research uses a qualitative approach to literature or library
research, the data is obtained from articles of ...
Reviewer / Editor in Chief di Jurnal jipemas
(Jurnal Inovasi Hasil Pengabdian Masyarakat (JIPEMAS), 2021-03)